Dave is a third generation Barbershopper and has a wide range of musical accomplishments to his credit. He sang lead in the Central States District Champions “Favorite Sons” quartet and appeared with them three times on the international contest stage. Boyd began directing the Proud Image Chorus in 1982 and has won four Central States District championships as director. He has appeared three times on the International Stage with Proud Image. Boyd’s undergraduate degree is in music education and he recently retired as President/CEO of Goodwill Industries in Northeast Iowa, Inc.

Dennis grew up having an interest in music; participated in vocal music groups both large and small during his high school years; and elected vocal music as a minor field of study as he pursued his degree in mathematics. So when a fellow college singer asked him along to the River City Chorus, he figured it was worth a try. And he was smitten on the first Monday night!
Fifty-three years later, and the attraction remains, for two main reasons. First, as you can see on stage, is the opportunity to create great music and entertain people. But the second reason is even greater - we have a fellowship, friendship, and trust that transcends all ages, races, and creeds. In our Chorus, it doesn’t matter who you are or what you do, so long as you want to sing well and have fun.
Dennis & his wife Patty life near Marble Rock, where they can be found farming, gardening, and golfing. They have three grown children and two grandsons.

Back helping the choruses out in a directing role is Jayson Ryner. Since leaving his music career Jayson has been chasing an Entrepreneurial dream to bring new equipment to the agricultural market. Jayson also serves as the Entrepreneur in residence at NIACC teaching Marketing, Sales, Entrepreneurship and Creating a Company. Jayson and his wife Sarah live in Nora Springs and have two children Jordan (ISU) and Gavin (Central Springs).