The River City Chorus meets every Monday night, year-round, at the Music Man Square in Mason City, IA, for practice from 7:00pm – 9:00pm CST/CDT except during the summer, when the chorus only meets every other Monday. Practices feature warm-ups, singing songs for the current contest and/or show being prepared for, sectional practices to hone our skills at listening and singing as a uniform section, and a business meeting where we handle the current business at hand.

Please check our calendar to find the next available rehearsal to come visit!

Guests are welcome anytime at our practices, and they are encouraged to drop in and participate! We’d be happy to put anyone interested in singing with us in the chorus to “try it out” and see what they think. After a short meeting with a director or section leader to determine the best voice part, we’ll let you experience the barbershop sound. Just like offers on TV, we have a “no obligation” approach to barbershop…we just want you to have fun and make good music!

Map to The Music Man Square

Click here for the Google map

From HWY 65 South
Drive north into Mason City. Follow the split of HWY 65 (Federal Ave) to the right. Music Man Square is on the right just after the split, across from Southbridge Mall. Turn right at the first light and go one block, parking is on the right side on the southeast corner of that intersection. Enter Music Man Square from the back side.

From HWY 65 North
Drive south into Mason City and “scoop the loop”. Highway 65 becomes North Washington and loops at South Washington to become South Delaware just south of the Southbridge Mall. Come back “up” (north) on the loop and Music Man Square is on the right-hand side of the loop, just across from Southbridge Mall to the East. Turn right at the first light and go one block, parking is on the right side on the southeast corner of that intersection. Enter Music Man Square from the back side.