Through the years, there has been some events that have happened. While there is so many things that have happened over the years, these are some of the highlights.

  • 1919 - Chorus began as the Mason City Chamber of Commerce Men's Club, later renamed the Chamber of Commerce Men's Chorus
  • March 8, 1956 - The chorus joined the Barbershop Harmony Society, then called SPEBSQSA - The Society for The Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America
  • July 2007 - The River City Chorus sings with the Minneapolis Commodores in the BHS International Chorus Contest in Denver, CO                   
  • October 8 - 10, 2010 - The chorus hosted the Central States District Fall Convention in Mason City, IA.  The contests were held at the North Iowa Area  Community Auditorium and the afterglow was held at Music Man Square.
  • December 1, 2013 - Barbershop Festival concert at Carnegie Hall in New York City with the Heart of America Chorus of Kansas City, MO, 2009 BHS International quartet champions "Crossroads",  1993 International Quartet Champion quartet "Gas House Gang", along with other Barbershop Harmony Society members from around the country to celebrate the anniversary of the Barbershop Harmony Society.
  • 2022 - After been out after 2 years, we are back. We have started a new joint partnership with the Proud Image Chorus of Waterloo, IA that has gone through to the present. With this we are sharing the director from the Waterloo, IA chorus, David Boyd along with having an assistant director from the River City Chorus Denny Staudt.