How to Become a Member
Becoming a member of our chorus is easy and flexible!We exist to promote male singing, fellowship, and teamwork to produce beautiful harmonies and exciting performances. We invite you to explore if becoming a member of the River City Chorus is right for you. Men all around North Iowa are discovering the new opportunities available for this fulfilling and musical hobby.
We feature:
- Multiple locations for in-person rehearsals
- Multiple evening rehearsals allowing for easy scheduling
- Internet-accessible learning materials
- Two different membership options and dues to fit all budgets
- Annual performances in the North Iowa area
- Additional performances throughout the year, both small and large
- Seasonal schedules that can offer flexibility for participation
First, we invite you to attend at least 3 rehearsals/chorus meetings before deciding to pursue membership. We want you to make sure the experience is right for you! You do not need to prepare anything for your visit, simply show up and introduce yourself to the nearest guy, they'll be happy to help! We have visitor music folders with all our songs, we'll pair you up with someone in your voice part to show you the ropes, and we'll be happy to introduce you to the rest of the group.
After roughly three visits, we'll ask if you're interested in formally joining the group or not, and what questions you may have about that. We are a non-pressure sort of group of guys -- we aren't out to sell anything! We just want you to have a rewarding and fulfilling hobby singing. We can explain the different membership options, what they mean to you, and what they all encompass, and then you can make whatever decision works for you.
What if I'm not sure?
Not ready to commit right away? That's ok! You can come visit anytime and join in! We know life gets in the way sometimes and we're happy to work with you to make the best environment for everyone's situation.
More questions?
If you have further questions about membership or want to know more, please feel free to contact our Membership VP: Gene Guenther: 641-860-1143, or our general contact at Stan Zinnel: 515-450-7843, .